What are the mythologies of Mesopotamia and how does it affect the present?

Well I think that the mythologies have affected us not in a very significant way. Mythologies are just stories and legends to explain how things occur. For example sickness was caused by demons and monsters and humans were thought to be created by gods as labourers. Of course these stories are not true but if I were a Mesopotamian back it that day I would have believed it.

I don’t think the mythologies of Mesopotamia is useful to present day because most people believe that we were created through evolution not being build by gods out of clay. It might be useful to more religious people. People still believe in gods and afterlife because there are so many religions out there, like Christianity, Jewishism, and Buddhism. My thought is that the mythologies of Mesopotamia paved the way for these religions, because they do have one thing in common, the all have a god or gods.

In the present day we still have stories to explain something we don’t understand. For example people believe that beings from other planets are visiting us due to the witness of strange lights zooming across the night sky. It is very similar to the mythologies of gods having supernatural abilities. Maybe the beings from other planets were portrayed as gods in that era.

In conclusions the mythologies only affected the religious people not most people. I’m not saying that people shouldn’t be religious but I prefer to not be religious because I don’t believe in god. Religion is a good thing it gets people together and you learn stories from the bible.

Geographic Landforms and Farms of the Middle East


I have made a map of the Middle East showing major cities, landforms, minerals, forests and farms. It has many symbols and legends that tells you about farms and minerals. These are also pictures of mountains and trees to represent forests and mountains.
It even shows dry land and green land. I made it to learn about the culture and how the Mesopotamians lived.

There are many examples of how the landforms affected the lifestyle of many people. For example the city of Ur is located near a river which allows farmers to irrigate farms and provide food. The Nile is also a good example because the Nile provides water to irrigate farms and it is a perfect place to build the pyramids of Giza. Trees growing near the city Ugarit insures that they have good material to build houses. Also dry area in present day Saudi Arabia means that less people settle there. There is also copper, lead and tin found which means that they made copper and bronze tools that helped them cut, scrape, and chop better.

The map I’ve made shows many important pictures that may explain how they lived and how they survived. I learned that they used rivers to irrigate farms that helped make their cities thrive. I think that the Mesopotamians are very smart because they used rivers to irrigate their farms.

Picture story

Tall grey mountains encloses and isolates a green valley. The valley has many bright colours like the green trees, grass, and leaves and the crystal clear streams and lakes. The animals are happy and lively and they live without fear. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the flowers are blooming. No matter what weather it is the sun shines and the valley is always green.The valley is like something out of a storybook. It is a paradise

As the crimson shut sets and the moon rises, a small, old, and broken barn appears near the mountains. Just looking at it made your head swim and your legs wobble. Its appearance is an omen of evil. The glass has cracks, the wood has scratches, and inside it was dark and scary.

Ever since its appearance the barn made the clouds hang low and the sun never shine and the day got as dark as night. The animals lived in fear and would not come out of their homes day or night.

Humans then began to settle in the valley and began mining and building factories.
They ruin most animal habitats by poisoning the water so that fish could not swim and cutting trees so that birds cannot make nests or homes. The air became unbreathable. The paradise became a nightmare for the animals.

Education for children

An education that helps you develop to your greatest ability.

It means that every child has the right to education that helps them learn.
In the breadwinner there is a girl called Parvana. She lives in the capital city of Afaginstan which is Kabul. But then the Taliban came to power and terrorize many innocent citizens in Kabul.
When the Taliban came to power they closed down school and burned books and schools of any type was illegal. When Parvana’s school closed down she is forced to stay at home until the Taliban left Kabul. Parvana’s older sister Nooria is also forced to stay home because her high school is also closed down. Before the Taliban came Nooria had planned a future for her after she finished high school. She would’ve got a job as a teacher or went to university. Without education many people in Kabul do not know how to read or write in their own language. That is how Parvana’s father earned money as a letter reader because he got an education and went to university.
When Parvana’s was forced to stay at home it reminded me of when I was in China in kindergarten the teachers were very mean to me and my classmates. However it wasn’t as bad as Parvana’s life because she can’t even go to school.